The Muse For Your Message
I Help Entrepreneurs Clearly Communicate The Message They Are Here To Share & Motivate Their Ideal Clients To Take Action

Download the Vivid Vision Mindmap Template

Entrepreneur. Marketer. Copywriter. Speaker.
Hi, I’m Jennifer!
What I do is what I believe and what I believe is that the ultimate freedom is when we are truthful to ourselves.
The ultimate entrepreneurial freedom is when we are able to express our truth though our messaging (copy) and marketing so we can attract our ideal clients and create a business we love that makes a big impact.
I help entrepreneurs create this over at Conscious Copy & Co. We help our clients create powerful marketing that is infused with authenticity and integrity while getting MASSIVE results.
Simply put, the truth sells.
So what message are you here to
share with the world?
Jennifer R Hudye

What Others Are Saying

If you’re a Coach/Consultant or Entrepreneur looking to really launch your message and marketing online, check out Jennifer. I’ve had her and her team help me with copy and have sent over 50 of my clients to them. She’s the real deal!
Cameron Herold

Dean Graziosi

Jenn is a beast when it comes to digital marketing, lead generation, and most importantly following up with those leads once you have them and leveraging automation.
Billy Gene
CEO of BillyGeneIsMarketing.com
5 Simple Ways To Grow Your Email List
Do you feel like your email list is taking FOREVER to grow?
When you sit down to write an update for your list, are you feeling uninspired because you know only a handful of people will actually see it?
Online, everyone is talking about the importance of an email list, how it’s the only way to actually get clients, make money, and grow your business.
READ MOREHow To Stand Out And Get Your Message Heard In A Noisy Marketplace
When you think about an “Influencer,” who comes to mind?
READ MOREHow To Write Addicting Email Copy That Leaves Your Readers Craving More
You’re about to get the ninja-est strategy for email marketing that will absolutely rock your world.
READ MOREHow To Become The “Go-To” In Your Niche & Make Your Competitors Irrelevant
The truth about marketing is so simple it’s often overlooked.
If You Know You’re Here To Make A Bigger Impact With Your Message…
You Just Don’t Know How To Communicate It…
It’s Time For You To
Master Your Message
The online marketing world as we know it is changing.
The businesses that win are the ones that can simply and clearly communicate how they can help their clients get from where they are now to where they want to go.
Consumers’ “BS meters” are through the roof, and they want to engage with real, personable businesses they can trust and know they can help them.
That means now, more than ever, your message matters.
Ready to master yours?

When you need to get results and you want to hire a superstar copywriter, hire Jennifer and her team.

Founder of Genius Network,
President of Piranha Marketing,
and Founder of Genius Recovery